ABC Bookshop
We exist to spread the Gospel through far and wide through as many books as possible.
Children's Ministries
We believe in passing on biblical values to our children in age appropriate ways.
Communications & Digital
We give expression to every part of the Conference as it works its mission.
The aim of Education is not information, but the restoration of God's image in mankind.
Family Ministries
We serve and build up families, in all their various forms and structures, with God's love.
Women's Ministries
We exist to uphold, encourage, and challenge women in their journey as disciples of Jesus Christ.
Health Ministries
God has made provision for all people to live a satisfying, good quality life.
Meals On Wheels
God calls us to actively relieve suffering and be used as a channel for his love for people.
Ministerial & Training
We encourage our leaders to motivated, vibrant, committed and spiritual leadership.
Pastoral Counselling
We assist clients in shaping their circumstances with the help of God.
Millions of kids globally have discovered one of the most fun clubs ever created.
Personal Ministries Sabbath School & ACS
We provide resources & training to help people to spread the Gospel.
We use our influence and books to encourage people to live for God.
We look to God as the Source of our time, treasure and talents.
Trust Services & Legal
We make legal services available to all regardless of their income.
Youth & Chaplaincy
We organise events & training for youth to meet their spiritual, physical and emotional needs.

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