Our Team

Dr. Jacob Mahlangu


Lorraine Jansen

Administrative Assistant

Stewardship Ministries

In this case, moreover, it is required [as essential and demanded] of stewards that one be found faithful and trustworthy. – 1 Corinthians 4v2 (Amplified Bible)

In both religious and Theological circles, Stewardship is understood and appreciated to be the responsible use of all God’s given gifts to mankind. These gifts come to us in various forms and shapes with three distinctive categories, namely, physical, intellectual and spiritual. Stewardship amplifies that we have a loving relationship with our Creator, Redeemer, Owner and Sustainer of life.

We therefore partner with Him on a lower level as managers or stewards, placing emphasis that God is Owner of everything under our care. In pursuit of His continued divine presence in our lives, we find ourselves practising His presence in all that we do and hence this God-man relationship and it leads us to the continuous awareness that we are accountable to Him.

The Mission of Stewardship Ministries is to emphasize the lordship of Jesus Christ, to enhance the integration of the gospel into Christian lifestyle, to encourage faithful stewardship, and to facilitate the individual, leadership and corporate dimensions of stewardship as partnership with God.

People putting God First.

  • Stewardship is the lifestyle of the one who accepts Christ’s lordship and walks in partnership with God, acting as His agent in managing His affairs on earth.Stewardship began with God’s act of creating Adam and eve in His own image.With His personal touch, God established an intimate relationship and union with humanity that was nurtured in the intimacy of time spent together.This shared image and shared intimacy are foundational to understanding the spirit and dynamics of biblical stewardship.

God redeemed you, so you could do his holy work. You’re not saved by service; you’re saved for service. In God’s kingdom, you have a place, purpose, a role and a function to fulfil. This gives your life great significance and value.


Stewardship Roadmap


Role Of A Pastor


Role Of A Stewardship Director


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